Green water in the pond is due to single-celled algae, which can occur in a pond where there is a very high organic load, which is normally due to the presence of lots of fish, or even worse due to the presence of turtles, ducks or geese. Other factors that generate this high organic load […]
- Pond (11)
- Water lilies (11)
- Lotus flowers (6)
- Marsh plants (3)
Last posts
- How to avoid green water in the pond
- Which water can I use to fill the pond?
- Aquatic plants and turtles in the pond. Can they coexist?
- Aquatic plants in winter. What shall I do?
- Fish gasp and die. What shall I do?
- How to grow lotus flowers
- How to grow water lilies
- Why is my lotus flower not blooming?
- Why is my marsh plant turning yellow?
- Why is my marsh plant not growing?
Which water can I use to fill the pond?
The water to fill the pond can come from the aqueduct, from a well, from a stream, from a water spring, from a rainwater collection tank, or directly from the rain (albeit very slowly). If you have the chance of drawing water from a river, from an irrigation canal, or from the rain, it is […]
Aquatic plants and turtles in the pond. Can they coexist?
In this article we will discuss about aquatic plants and turtles in the pond. If you have Trachemys scripta turtles or other herbivorous turtles, they are not compatible with any aquatic plant species. If you have a pond with turtles and you want to make the water clean, you will have to create a second […]
Aquatic plants in winter. What shall I do?
Like every year, after summer comes autumn and then winter. Do I have to do anything to my aquatic plants in winter? Do I have to prepare the pond for winter in some way? These are the recurring questions that all our customers ask us during this season. Aquatic plants are divided into hardy and […]
Fish gasp and die. What shall I do?
If the fish in the pond have been gasping at the surface for a few days, read this article before it is too late. I will give you some tips to avoid having fish gasp and die. A possible cause may be excess ammonia in the water. A large quantity of tree leaves deposited at […]
How to grow lotus flowers
In this article we take a look at how to grow lotus flowers in a pond or in a mini pond in the garden or terrace. In water gardens, lotus flowers are plants of great decorative interest, in fact their presence gives an exotic note to the entire body of water. The vegetation of lotus […]
How to grow water lilies
In this article we take a look at how to grow water lilies in a pond. Water lilies should be planted in the deepest part of the pond, and can tolerate a depth ranging from a minimum of 30 cm to 1 meter. In general, the optimal depth for growing water lilies is between 50 […]
Why is my lotus flower not blooming?
If you are wondering why your lotus flower is not blooming, I will give you some tips to increase flowering. Lotus flowers are plants that require a very large pot and a well fertilised soil in order to vegetate well and thus to bloom. First of all it must be said that there are differences […]
Why is my marsh plant turning yellow?
If you are wondering why your marsh plant is turning yellow, please mind that, like everything else, leaves are born, live and die. A yellow leaf means that it is at the end of its life and that soon it disappears completely. Marsh plants do not like temperature changes. Often, immediately after the summer heat […]
Why is my marsh plant not growing?
If you are wondering why your marsh plant is not growing, I will give you some tips to grow healthy aquatic pond plants. Marsh plants, like all aquatic plants, need a warm climate to vegetate, so if you planted them in early spring or late autumn, you will have to wait until spring to see […]
How to grow marsh plants
In this article we take a look at how to grow marsh plants or marginal pond plants and specifically at what depth you should place the marsh plants in the pond. Normally in ponds a deeper area is made in the centre of it and a shallower area near the edges, also because this recalls […]
Can I grow lotus flowers from seed?
Lotus flowers can be reproduced by rhizomes or by seed. If you want to grow lotus flowers from seed, you should take into consideration some important aspects: Not all seeds sprout, You can’t be sure if the plant will grow (from the bud, to get a plant you need the right temperature conditions), You do […]
My lotus flower is weak and yellowing. What can I do?
If your lotus flower is weak and yellowing, read this article, because I will give you some useful tips to have healthy lotus flowers. The lotus is a plant that needs a lot of organic matter to live, in fact it requires a heavily fertilization every year. Every year you should add 10 to 15 […]
When to divide and repot lotus flowers?
Unlike water lilies, there is a specific period to divide and repot lotus flowers, or to repot the plants. The period for dividing the rhizomes is only and exclusively the beginning of spring, i.e. between March and May (April is more recommended). Dividing and repotting lotus flowers in autumn or winter is strongly discouraged because […]
My lotus flower is not vegetating. How come?
If you are wondering why your lotus flower is not vegetating, I will give you some tips to grow a healthy lotus flower. To start vegetating, the lotus rhizome needs a temperature above 20 degrees during the day, and then the plant starts growing rapidly when the temperature reaches about 25 degrees. So they typically […]
Aquatic plants in the shade, can they be grown?
Aquatic plants need a lot of direct sun to live, so the answer is no, you cannot set up a pond with aquatic plants in the shade. To have a pond with beautiful vegetation and abundant flowering, your pond should always be exposed to the sun. Even half a day in the sun is sufficient, […]
How to place aquatic plants without fouling the pond water?
In this article we take a look at how to place aquatic plants without fouling the pond water. In the baskets of aquatic plants you should use common field soil and not soil such as universal potting soil, which floats and fouls the water. The baskets for water lilies and marsh plants that I recommend […]
When to fertilize (and re-fertilize) water lilies?
In this article we take a look at when to fertilize water lilies. As soon as you plant a water lily you should put Osmocote fertilizer near the rhizome, regardless of the month in which you plant them. The recommended doses vary depending on the type of plant and on the size of the basket. […]
When to divide and repot water lilies?
In this article we take a look at when it is time to divide and repot water lilies. Let’s start by saying that repotting, or dividing and repotting the plants, can be done all year round. For water lilies there is no restriction on doing so in a certain season. The larger the basket in […]
Why is my water lily not blooming?
If you are wondering why your water lily is not blooming, firstly please mind that the flowering period for water lilies is from May to September. If the temperature conditions are favourable (as normally happens in warmer regions), flowering can start earlier and be even longer. If your water lily is not blooming, and you […]
Why is my water lily not growing?
If you are wondering why your water lily is not growing, first of all water lilies need fairly friable field soil to root well and they need fertilizer to grow. If the soil is hard as stone, and not fertile, the water lily will take much longer to grow. In any case, you should put […]
Why does my water lily have yellow leaves?
If you are wondering why your water lily have yellow leaves, you should know that every leaf is born, lives and dies. Yellow leaves are replaced by new leaves. Other healthy leaves will be born, as happens with all plants. If you have just planted the water lily, normally all pre-existing leaves will quickly turn […]
Why are there big transparent worms under the leaves of the water lilies?
These big transparent worms that appear under the leaves of water lilies are actually eggs of the snail lymgnea stagnalis. These snails are typical small animals that appear spontaneously in ponds. They are not harmful, but they eat algae, submerged plants and floating plants. You can see the photos of the snail lymnea stagnalis and […]
Why do the leaves of water lilies emerge above the water surface?
In summer it may happen that the leaves of water lilies emerge above the water surface instead of remaining flat on it. This can happen in these circumstances (one or more points at the same time): the plant is not placed at the right depth, the water lily variety is too vigorous for the shallow […]
Water lilies have holes in their leaves. How come?
If you are wondering why your water lilies have holes in their leaves, now let’s find out why. In addition to aphids and Elophila larvae that we have already discussed in this other article, another annoying insect is a beetle called Galerucella nymphaeae, about half a centimetre long. Galerucella nymphaeae lays microscopic white eggs (half […]
Aphids on aquatic plants. What to do?
If you see microscopic insects on the leaves of marsh plants and water lilies, you should know that the problem is aphids on aquatic plants. They are not harmful to the plant, as it does not die, but they clearly make the plant ugly. To solve the problem of the aphids on aquatic plants, you […]
Water lilies have gnawed leaves. What to do?
If you are wondering why your water lilies have gnawed leaves, now let’s find out why. One pest that can attack water lilies are the larvae of Elophila nymphaeata, a brown butterfly. These larvae have the form of caterpillars, about 1 cm long, that gnaw off pieces of leaf, and use them to build their […]
My pond is full of algae. What shall I do?
In this article we take a look at how to solve the problem of a pond full of algae. In order to achieve a naturally balanced pond, you have to include these three types of plants: Water lilies, to be placed in the deepest area of the pond, whose leaves shade the surface and reduce […]
What should I put at the bottom of the pond?
If you have just built a new pond, you are probably wondering what you should put at the bottom of it, e.g. sand, soil, gravel, or white stones… At the bottom you should put absolutely nothing! In a few months, a layer of silt will form at the bottom of it, that is created by […]
Shall I add a pump and filter in the pond?
In this article we will discuss about the need or not to add a pump and filter in the pond. Aquatic plants live in stagnant water, and thanks to the phyto-depuration mechanism they are able to keep the water clean by themselves. There is therefore no reason to add a pump and filter in a […]
Aquatic insects and pond creatures
In this article I have collected photos of aquatic insects and pond creatures (ugly or cute) that you might find in a pond, such as water snails, larvae, worms, frogs, toads dragonfly, damselfly and other aquatic insects. On the left you can see the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis which are about 4-5 cm long […]
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